Caring for Kids Blog
Social-Emotional Wellness Training/Screening
Cerner Charitable Foundation's training at Center Middle School's helps teachers implement social-emotional wellness curriculum.
After-School Meals in Raytown Quality Schools
Graceway has partnered with RQS to provide after-school meals to 4,000 students in the district's elementary schools and preschools.
Church Fundraiser Raises Money to Support Grant’s Goals
Bridge of Hope's annual fundraiser raised $1,000 to present to Grant Elementary to fund several of its projects this year.
Fall Festivities
Community partners hosted or contributed to Trunk-or-Treats, Autumn Harvest Food Drives, or food baskets to bless families at Thanksgiving.
Social Worker’s Positivity Shines On
All who knew Ms. Tracye Smith were impressed by her positive attitude and dedication to meet student and family needs.
Career Day Meets Fun Academic Success Goal
Eastwood Hills Elementary School's Career Day helps students with their academic success as speakers tell students what they need to be doing now in order to be successful in their future.