Caring for Kids Blog
Virtual Paint and Chew a Success!
Navah Church KC provided canvases for 75 families to participate in Holliday Montessori’s virtual Paint and Chew Caregivers as Partners session.
Family Assistance During Pandemic
Family assistance during the pandemic is one of New Chelsea Elementary's goals this school year.
Monthly Zoom Prayer Invite
Join other Caring for Kids leaders in prayer at noon the first Tuesday of each month.
Clothing Closet Overflows with Support
When Douglass Elementary students in KCKPS return to in-person learning this spring, they will be welcomed by their excited school staff and the support of a community that lovingly collected 85 boxes of children’s clothing and shoes.
Fueling Up for Education & Learning
During the pandemic, the ReNewed Hope Food Pantry, an outreach of New Haven SDA Church, began collaborating more closely with nearby schools, including its Caring for Kids-partnered school, Overland Park Elementary.
Crestview Partners Honor Ada Wallace
A social worker known for her compassion and love of children, Ada Wallace made a lasting impact upon all who knew her. When she passed away unexpectedly in January, Crestview Elementary’s Caring for Kids partners carried out projects close to her heart.