Committed to supporting students and staff at Center Middle School, Universal Construction and Evangel Church have come around the principal’s goals throughout the school year.
Recently, Cynthia and Zak Smith, Universal Construction Co., each led multiple sessions with students for Career Day. Zak offered four sessions on entertainment careers, and Cynthia did five 20-minute sessions with students wanting to learn more about careers in construction. “What I find most rewarding about working with students,” explained Cynthia, “is when I can help them feel important, letting them know someone cares about them and that they are capable of being successful.”
They also donated jeans to the school’s Care Store, which Universal volunteers turned into a reality last year. They work alongside selected students to help pack snacks for class MAP testing during the spring. Together with Evangel, partners provide dinner for Center teachers and staff during for teacher conferences.
At the end of April, 30 volunteers from Evangel participated in the church’s annual Serve Day at Center Middle School. Volunteers cleaned an existing flower bed and planted new plants. They also painted one bathroom and posted several inspiring messages in others. “Ms. [Linda} Williams also gave our volunteers the opportunity to write messages to the staff which our volunteers loved!” said Chris Buford, Evangel Serve the World Pastor.