Selected as the Civic Impact Award recipient, Elizabeth Griffith ensures there is city representation at all five of the Caring for Kids schools partnered by the City of Shawnee.
Stephen Powell, Deputy City Manager, said, “Elizabeth Griffith has a heart of gold and it shines in everything she does. Her passion for the community and the people who live here are evident in her work as the City’s Volunteer Coordinator and our liaison to the Caring for Kids program.”
He adds that she takes an active role in rounding up volunteers for events, which include family engagement support/resources, school supply collection, clothing and food drives, family assistance, and monetary donations. She notifies City partners of ways they can help and attends meetings with various schools, including Hocker Grove Middle School, where she serves as the City’s primary representative. The City also serves at Bluejacket-Flint, Broken Arrow, Nieman and Shawanoe Elementary Schools.
“The City of Shawnee is a collaborative organization within itself,” observed Mrs. Griffith. “We don’t work in silos, but work across departments and we try to replicate that in the community – doing more with more by bringing people together to enhance those partnerships to help meet needs.”
She stressed the need to address the whole school community, “We want to show support not only to the students but also to the teachers and staff because they do so much for our kids.”