Dream Big

Your Students Have BIG DREAMS!

Students at your school DREAM BIG about their futures, what school could be like, and how they can impact their community.


We want them to share their dreams with us by answering the question:

What is your BIG DREAM for yourself, your school, or your community?

Dream Big Web 1
Big Dream Web 2

Let them be creative! They can:

  • Draw or paint a picture
  • Write a short essay, poem, or song
  • Create a short video
  • Or come up with something unique

Share this video with your students

Big Dream Web 4
  • Projects can be a class assignment, an independent work option, or an out of school activity.
  • It can be something teachers introduce to their individual classes or a whole school announcement.
  • Do whatever works best for your school, your staff, and your students.

Who Can Participate:

Any student, Pre-K through 12th grade, in a Caring for Kids Network School.


Collect submissions from students by December 6, 2024.
Choose 2 winning projects to submit to Caring for Kids Network by January 17, 2025.

Submit Student Projects


A non-biased Caring for Kids Network committee will choose 3 overall winners who will:
1. Be recognized at Caring for Kids Network’s annual Heart of a Champion Gala on April 17, 2025.
2. Receive a special gift or experience to help make their wish a reality.