You are invited to join us in the mission of helping our neighbors have hope.
Times are still hard and the pandemic has only made many situations more difficult. Because of the challenges some of our children and their families are experiencing, we have joined forces with 8 amazing organizations from around the city to host a citywide, bi-state food drive!!!!
That’s 4 locations, 3 hours, and your donations = supporting our community! We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, Nov. 6th sometime between 9 am-12 noon. Choose the location closest to you and deliver some hope in the form of groceries to help close the gap in our community.
The first 150 individuals that donate a bag of groceries will receive a FREE pancake breakfast from Chris Cakes!!!!!! This offer is extended to every location, thanks to our partners at Thrivent!!!
See below for individual location flyers. The food items listed vary for different locations. Spread the word and see you November 6!