Fall celebrations supported many schools this year, with community partners either hosting or contributing to Trunk-or-Treats, Autumn Harvest Food Drives, or food baskets to bless families at Thanksgiving.
For the second year Gladstone Elementary in KCPS worked with community partners to organize and coordinate its Autumn Harvest Drive-Through, providing donations of warm winter clothing and food to many of the school’s families. “We collected over 60 coats, hats and gloves to pass out to our students, said Caylee Charlton, Gladstone Counselor. “While the coats went quickly, every family that came went home with food, gloves and a hat for every child. Due to the generous contributions of our community partners and volunteers, we are able to serve many of our families in need.”
Trunk-or-Treats took place at a number of schools, including one at Center School District’s Red Bridge Elementary that was hosted by Three Trails Community Church. About 250 attended, receiving candy and treats. The night was capped off with a fun outdoor movie.
Holiday food baskets, complete with turkeys and all of the fixings, made Thanksgiving celebrations that much brighter for many families throughout the metropolitan. Pictured are some of the donated items at Grandview’s Conn-West Elementary and Grandview Middle School and Center’s Indian Creek Elementary.