One of Laurel Hills Elementary’s goals this year is to enhance positive school culture with staff, students and families. “Our partners have done so much for us this year, “ said Kelly Sanders, counselor, “from volunteering at after-school events and parties throughout the year, providing lunch for our staff, donating 500+ mints for our students who will be MAP testing in May, and more. Robert Atkins of Farmers Insurance donated 29 brand new chairs to our staff, which was so appreciated!”
Over the past few weeks staff have also received some goodies in their mailboxes. Raytown Chapel provided cards and a snack and River Church gifted a pack of wild-flower seeds to everyone.
Another primary goal at Laurel Hills this year was to improve student achievement in reading scores. “This is such an important goal; reading is so
integral to a child’s education!” said Ms. Sanders. “We have 10 Rayfriend volunteers and they each have one student who they work on reading with each week. Every week we also have our River Readers come to read with 1st and 2nd graders one-on-one.”
Partners also donate to the school’s Read Box. At the beginning of the year River Church donated over 1,000 books! The kids have so enjoyed being able to pick out new books! Mia, a 2nd grader, loves animal books and having Read Box: “I like that we get books we can read at home and we get to keep them.”